I'm so freaking excited today!!! When I started the Advocare Herbal Cleanse on April 9th, I set a goal. . . that goal was to see the 170's on the scale before I leave for KY on April 27th (this coming Wednesday).
179.8 (my scale only does even numbers behind the decimal) would be fine. I didn't care. I just wanted to see 170's. My long term goal was to see 176 as that would be 35 lbs lost since I started Advocare. I would have reached that in August if I hadn't got sick. Life since then has been rough and the weight crept on. I wanted to hit 176 and reassess where I wanted to go and how I wanted to get there.
So I started the cleanse at 188.2. Yesterday was tough day and I didn't eat dinner. I wasn't even all that hungry so I guess it didn't matter. I never skip meals, but it happened. I didn't get home till close to 9pm and I wasn't feeling up to making something.
This morning I got on the scale not knowing that to expect. I could have easily gained. The body is funny like that. Not eating isn't necessarily a "good" thing where the body is concerned.
But I saw this on the scale. . .
GOAL!!!!! I'm stunned. I'm shocked. I got on that dang scale probably 4 times. It said the *exact* same thing each time. (Maybe one day I'll set the date on that thing huh?). That's a loss of 2.6 lbs from yesterday. So I'm not sure that this will remain and I could blow up tomorrow. But I saw it. I saw the 170's!!!! Whoop whoop!!!! It feels good. Now I'd like to hold that and actually be in the 170's on Wednesday morning when I leave. I hope I can, but I also know that I have a few things coming up that might make it challenging. If in fact this is a bit of a fluke then it will certainly be a challenge. If it's not, then there might be hope. It's funny how I can gain 2-3 lbs overnight and it can take days to get it off. It's very very rare that I drop more than 1 lb in one day. But boy does it feel good!!!
Happy weeekend everyone!
That's always a wonderful feeling!!! Congratulations!