
Saturday, May 19, 2012

8.1 Miles!

Only 5 miles shy of a half marathon. LOL!

Yesterday I got the wild hair up my butt that I had to run 8 miles today.  No clue where I pulled 8 from, but something was telling me this.  I pondered it.  See I had to do my long run today instead of Sunday like normal because I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning and then all day plans after.   So I think about this ALL day yesterday and I decide sure - why not?

So last night I dug out the Gu I bought at a sports store about a month ago.  I froze a water bottle.  The whole time I felt strong!  Ha.  I wasn't doing anything but mentally I felt like I was ready for this.  I did not work out last night cause I knew I needed all my legs for this.

I started out a bit later than planned - 7:30.  I got hooked on Shades of Gray last night and I had to read a bit more this morning.  :)

I put my frozen water bottle at the end of the drive.  I'd pass my drive at the 5 mile mark.  It's a bit more humid again.  Off I go for the first 5 miles totally making sure my brain understands that I have to keep running after that 5 mile mark.  At mile 4 I decide to try Gu.  I have no clue what this stuff is like, but I read that the chocolate is very good.

Um this stuff tasted like chocolate frosting.  I wanted another!  So I keep running to the 5 mile mark wondering if it will kick in.  My mouth is now a bit sticky so I want water.  Mentally I hate stopping on runs. It makes the whole run "null and void" in my mind.  But. .. I have three miles to go. It's humid.  My mouth is sticky.  I pause my GPS and stop for lovely cold water.  

Of I go and my brain is now struggling.  The 1.5 mark where I turn back is so far away.  Maybe I should shoot for 7 miles?  After all 6.25 was my longest so far.  But no.  My body isn't hurting that much.  My brain is.  So I chug on.  Yay when I turn around at 6.5 miles.  I got this!  But boy oh boy the last 1.5 was TOUGH.  The last mile especially.  I could have walked faster than I was running I think.  Hell I'm pretty sure I have walked in the mall when on a shopping mission much faster than I was running. My legs were heavy but I had to get home.  And I did!  

My total time was 1:36:08.  Avg pace 11:53.  I did my first five with an avg of like 11:19 if I remember right.  But distance was the goal here. 

So my final thought of the day is "Who am I?"  Holy crap.  This girl that runs 8 miles?  I don't even know her.  I'm crazy!  And my knees are killing me!  I've iced them twice already today :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, nice job! I can't wait until I can say I ran 8 miles. I don't want to actually do the 8 miles, though...but saying that I did it will be awesome. LOL Someday... :)
