
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Magic Cusion Saves the Day!

Well not really, but Eli was better last night just not 100%. Monday he was lame right at the start of my lesson :( It appeared abscess-like and on the right front. We did find a sneaky little pebble tucked away in his foot. So maybe that was it. I packed the foot with Magic Cushion and wrapped with duct tape.

For those of you that have never used Magic Cushion you should! (If the time comes that you need to that is.) It ROCKS! It's sticky as hell and you need rubber gloves to put the stuff in there. Rubbing alcohol gets it off of your skin though if you get it on you. I will never ever use any other packing. I can't imagine anything else would ever work as well as this!

I had cheapy duct tape from DG. Do NOT go cheap on duct tape. It tore and he walked out of it basically. Last night I had better duct tape and I tried the diaper trick. A lady at the barn told me to pack with magic cushion, put a diaper over that and wrap with duct tape. So I tried it. She says he won't walk out of the diaper. We'll see. So in preparation for tonight I went to Dollar General to buy some diapers.

I am now the proud owner of 50 diapers. Geesh. I went cheap and bought an off brand. I hope that wasn't a bad choice. It was either $10 or $6 for 50. I didn't want 50!! It wasn't the price, but the fact that now I have 50 flipping diapers and no baby butt for them! :) Fingers crossed that when I get to the barn tonight the diaper is still on! Fingers and toes crossed that he is sound!

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